Friday, August 21, 2009

The first time and My birthday

When you look at the title, I am sure you know what I am going to say.. *wink* This is the first blog that I am blogging here.. I would like to say "Hello" to all who visit my blog..

Besides that, today is also my "ang mo" calendar's birthday (21st August).. Although it's nothing special for me but I feel very happy that I can receive some birthday presents and wishes from my friends.. My friends were giving me surprise on this morning when I walked into the class and I totally get shocked.. After school, they threw all the wastepapers at me *=.=''* (because of my birthday and..) because this whole week is known as pressure's week so we just wanted to "fa xie" our feelings.. Anyway, it's already over, cheer up, my friends!! Having one week holiday perhaps can relax awhile.. Last but not least, I would like to thank for all who wished me "Happy Birthday", thank you very much ya.. Terima kasih banyak banyak, xie xie, gam xia, doh je, arigato.. Hahaha! ^^